A Thai Last Will is a very important legal document; it is where the settlement of your succession is based on. In Thailand, you need to be 15 years old to be legally able to draft a Thai Last Will. When you have decided to seek legal assistance from lawyers to draft your legal documents, you can be assured that problems will be avoided regarding the interpretation of your Last Will.
Last Will in Thailand
Your lawyer is well aware on the importance of choosing the right words to formulate your last wishes according to your instructions. Your lawyer would also constantly remind you of everything that needs to be included in the settlement to make the succession an easy task.
All countries have different laws, and in some of those laws could award your ex-wife/husband your assets in Thailand if you do not draft your Thai Last Will. Any legal foreign Last Will could be acceptable in Thai courts; however, they should be translated and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand.
If you are updating your Thai Last Will or any other Last Will in Thailand. You should see to it that you do not revoke any of your other Wills. If you are drafting a new Will in Thailand. Send a translation of the Thai Will to whoever holds your foreign Will to make sure that it would not make your other Will invalid. The Last Will in Thailand is better if written in Thai language. But it is not required. However, having the Will in another language might give some difficulty to the executor of your estate or your heirs. A reliable law firm might be able to provide you with a bilingual Will. Which is easier for you to comprehend.
Foreigners in Thailand
Foreigners are not usually allowed to own land in Thailand. If land is acquired by a foreigner through a Last Will, the executor of the estate shall dispose of the land and give the proceeds of the sale to the foreigner.
You may also appoint a person to administer your estate or make funeral arrangements. Some might like to have their ashes scattered in the beach or be buried in a Chinese cemetery. See also public notary as well as the family law articles on Thailand as well as your UK visa.